Senior Advocate is hosting a half-day educational event for older adults and religious organizations. The Seminar is FREE and will include educational presenters and exhibitors, breakfast, and a chance to win one of many door prizes.
Plus, if you attend as a representative of a religious organization, you will have the chance to win a $500 donation to your church!
8:00 - 8:45AM Registration, Breakfast and Exhibitor Displays
8:45 - 9:00AM Welcome from Senior Advocate and The Blessing by Rev. Scott Baker, Associate Chaplain, Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay
9:00 - 9:25AM “How and Why the Housing Market Has Changed Since the Pandemic” presented by Greg Garrett, Owner, Garrett Realty Partners
9:25 - 9:50AM “Top Estate Planning Questions” presented by Donna Wilson, Owner/Attorney, Wilson Law
9:50 - 10:15AM “Our Community Supporting and Serving Your Community" presented by Sondra Holmes, Community Relations, Princess Anne Memorial Park
10:15 - 10:30AM Exhibitor Introductions
10:30 - 11:00AM Break and Exhibitor Displays
11:00 - 11:25AM “Communication Tips for Those With Dementia” presented by Rachelle Karp, President, Changing Tides Home Care
11:25 - 11:50AM “Elder Financial Abuse: The Crime of the 21stCentury” presented by John Schwartz, Founder and President of The Center for Combating Elder Financial Abuse
11:50AM - 12:15PM “Living Longer in a Life Plan Community” presented by Ben Unkle, President and CEO, Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay
12:15 - 12:25PM Closing & Door Prize Drawings
EXHIBITORS: Altmeyer, Beltone, CapTel, CaptionCall, Changing Tides Home Care, Common Courtesy, Driven2 Solutions, Garrett Realty Partners, Neptune Cremation Service, Princess Anne Memorial Park, The Center for Combating Elder Financial Abuse, TimeWise, Trinity Hospice, United Healthcare, Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay, Wilson Law
RSVP HERE OR CALL 757-724-7001.